Elevator Speech

Turning the page on the calendar to September brings along the sadness of summer ending but also the sense of having to get things in order…structure, goals, a fresh start.   The season changes almost immediately I first see the color changes on the trees and then a crispness in the air. And it brings along this urgency to line things up, and get ready. September is about beginning; and I am experiencing that urgency once again.  I spent the summer writing letters, learning how to write a press release and I am now working on my elevator speech.( my friend Laurie said I needed one).

I like this elevator speech idea.  However, I find it challenging. By description an elevator speech is a short description of what you do, or the point you want to make, presented in the time it would take an elevator to go from the first floor to the top. One slight problem I first think of is what if there are only 3 floors instead of say 20?  I think that makes a difference….now thinking I should come up with a couple versions.  This is not easy!

This entry was posted in Process.

2 comments on “Elevator Speech

  1. Cathy says:

    How many floors in the tallest building?? Also, you shouldn’t be taking the elevator if it’s only 3 floors..not yet anyway!! Cool idea, can’t wait to hear it!!

  2. Carolyn says:

    Hi deb. It’s like writing an artist statement. I find it very hard to put into words what I am so passionate about!! Have fun with it.

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